Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Today's Update

So, instead of going to work yesterday, I decided to stay home and finish compiling GEEK WEEK (GW) registrations to determine how many attendees wanted to go to each class (and determine the room for each class).  Very exciting, I know...  don't you know it - everything takes MUCH longer than you expect it to - by the time I finished reconciling all of the sheets received to the attendees input into the schedule it was after 7PM...  Then I had to send out registraton sheets to the remaining attendees for which I didn't have forms...  Next year I propose that we automate this process!!!

So, now time for my dreaded food and exercise log -

Food Log - Tuesday (not a very nutritious day)
8:30AM - Bagel (Ray's (frozen) NY bagels) are awesome, if you haven't tried them) with chive cream cheese
12:00PM - Trader Joe's apple cereal bar & 6 banana chips
2:00PM - 8 Pigs in a blanket with yellow mustard
7:30PM - Salad (romaine lettuce with tomatoe, kalmata olives, blue cheese & blue cheese dressing)
8:30PM - Turkey meatballs with mini cheese ravioli

Exercise Log - Wednesday morning (6:30AM) - muscle endurance day
Pull-ups (Backwards rows) on bar - 3 reps of 8, 10 & 12
Push-ups on bar - 3 reps of 8, 10, 12
Squats with kettle bell - 3 sets of 10 on each arm first rep w/10 lbs, last 2 w/15 lbs
Straight leg drops (don't know the name - on platform with weight in hand below feet to knees) - 3 reps of 25 with 10 lbs
On mat - on all 4s lifting leg straight into the air - 3 sets of 15 on each side
On mat - knee push ups - 3 sets of 8 (surprised that I was able to do these)
Machine - rows - 3 sets of 15 at 60 lbs
Machine - presses - 1 set of 15 at 15 lbs, 1 set of 20 at 15 lbs & 1 set of 15 at 20 lbs

Now time to work...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

BRCA information on Daytime TV!!!

So, I am at home working today to finalize some information for GEEK WEEK (ISACA Atlanta track based training event) and I have the tv on for some background noise.  I am watching a show I'd never seen before - the Huckabee Show(when I was flipping channels, I saw Rob Reiner and thought it might be interesting).  I was not really watching, but I heard a story about women with the  BRCA Gene Mutation.  I'm really surprised and happy to learn that this is being discussed on daytime tv!

Completion of Logs for Monday

Instead of going with my normal running group last night, I went with Signe and Jen who are MUCH faster than I am.  I had them slow down, but instead of training at my normal 17:30 training pace, we ran at a 15:52 pace - which was slow for them...  I was completely wiped out though.  It was good to push myself, but also good to know my limits!!!

Afterwards, I went to Signe's for Monday night dinner - the night the entire family tries to get together every week; always a lot of fun!!!

Food Log for Monday night
5:45PM 4 Jelly Beans (I couldn't resist)...
8:00PM  1/2 portion of steak 1/4 portion of chicken - grillled with pepper rub & salad with avacado, onion, field greens, parm cheese & ranch dressing
9:00PM Blueberries

Monday, August 23, 2010

Okay - here is my log so far today...

Food Log
8:30AM - 1 french vanilla creamer w/ coffee; yogurt & fruit
10:00AM:  Had a prepackaged small bag of almonds (from Trader Joe's) - approx. 20 almonds.
12:00PM:  1/2 Turkey burger on wheat bun w/ catsup & spicy mustard and 1/2 a mixed green salad w/ feta, cucumber, tomato, onion & approx 1 tablespoon vinagrette dressing.
4:15PM:  other 1/2 of the Turkey burger & salad

Training Log
Shoulder raises to the side (5lbs each hand) - 3 sets of 15
Shoulder raises to the front (5lbs each hand) - 3 sets of 15
Sholder raises bending over and up toward the back (5lbs each hand) - 3 sets of 15
Lunges with bicept curls (5lbs each hand) - 3 sets of 16
Bench Press - 3 sets, 15, 12, 10 (don't know the weight, but heavier each set)
Row with bar weight  - 3 sets, 15, 12, 10 (don't know the weight)
Rows - 3 sets of 15 (don't remember the weight)
leg press - 1 set of 20, 2 sets of 15 (150lbs, 180lbs, 200lbs)
30 minute run with Getting Started group

Today's morning update

So, I met with my trainer (Jim) today and after about 2 months of working out with him and running for a few weeks, I gained 3.5 lbs and 1/2% of body fat...  needless to say, I'm pretty upset with myself.  While I'm doing really well with working out, I am obviously not eating well at all!  Today is a new day; however, and I promised Jim that I would write down everything I eat for one week...  UGHHH...  I will do what I promised (especially since I've announced it to you all) ;-)

So far today, I've had 1/4 cup of oatmeal (with a drop of sugar and cinnamon); worked out with Jim for 1/2 hour and just finished a bowl of strawberries, watermelon, grapes, pineapple and about a 1/4 cup of vanilla yogurt....  I will also be running this evening with the Getting Started (Atlanta Galloway) group - tonight is a 30 minute run.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Let's Start Here...

In August 2009 my twin sister, Stephanie, was diagnosed with a reoccurrence of breast cancer (BC) - it occurred one week after her 6 year anniversary of being BC free! She was devastated… She wasn’t sure if she wanted to go through chemo again, but decided she would do it – for me… I’m really glad that she did what she had to so that she could fight; I just wish she could have done it for herself.  It has been a year and she is doing well from a BC perspective; however, she now has Lymphedema in her arm (because lymph nodes were removed and biopsied to determine if her BC had spread, it compromised her lymphatic system and fluid is not being drained efficiently from her arm/hand causing swelling) and is pretty depressed.

When Stephanie and I learned about her reoccurrence, we decided that we should undergo BRCA gene testing - we learned that we both have the BRCA 1 gene mutation, increasing my likelihood to get BC in my lifetime from about 12% to 90% (and Ovarian Cancer to 40%).  I underwent a prophylactic mastectomy and salpingo-oophorectomy to reduce my chanches of getting cancer.  I have recovered for the most part and have decided to run the 26.2 with Donna 1/2 marathon to end breast cancer  to increase my fitness level and to help raise money and awareness about BC to others.

My training leader (Atlanta Galloway 1/2 marathon training) keeps a blog to help her track her progress and I thought it was a GREAT idea!  So... that brings me to the point of this blog - my journey from major surgery to running a 1/2 marathon!!!