Monday, August 23, 2010

Today's morning update

So, I met with my trainer (Jim) today and after about 2 months of working out with him and running for a few weeks, I gained 3.5 lbs and 1/2% of body fat...  needless to say, I'm pretty upset with myself.  While I'm doing really well with working out, I am obviously not eating well at all!  Today is a new day; however, and I promised Jim that I would write down everything I eat for one week...  UGHHH...  I will do what I promised (especially since I've announced it to you all) ;-)

So far today, I've had 1/4 cup of oatmeal (with a drop of sugar and cinnamon); worked out with Jim for 1/2 hour and just finished a bowl of strawberries, watermelon, grapes, pineapple and about a 1/4 cup of vanilla yogurt....  I will also be running this evening with the Getting Started (Atlanta Galloway) group - tonight is a 30 minute run.


  1. I cannot believe that. You have been the workout queen. So sorry, but "put on a happy face." ;-)

  2. Sorry to hear about Steph's lymphadema. Maybe just maybe you will finally get me off my butt and moving...if only it would get cooler.


  3. About weight loss/fitness goals: Baby, it ain't a straight line. You are heading in the right direction and changing your habits is absolutely the right response. You will get the results you want!

  4. Thanks Becca & Steph - I needed that smile!

    Nicole - today in Atlanta at least the humidity has decreased...
